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Hi, I am Vikram Rajoori. I am a Personal Fitness Trainer and Contributor at Health2Wellness. I have more than 10+ years of experience in Personal Fitness Training, Gym Fitness & Workout. I contribute more often to Health, Fitness, workout & diet, etc.

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What is an acai bowl?

Acai bowls or acai bowls are one of the trends of the moment. Have you seen any pictures in the nets of striking bowls decorated with fruit?

The healthy breakfast or favorite snack on social networks, especially on Instagram, is undoubtedly the acai bowl. In this post, we will learn more about these preparations full of antioxidants and vitamins

What are they? What are the fruits they carry? What benefits can they bring to our health?

What are acai berries and what are they for?

The acai is a fruit from a palm (precisely the variety Acaizero palm, native to Brazil). This berry is dark purple and belongs to the family of red fruits. It looks similar to blueberries or blackberries and considered a superfood thanks to its nutritional values.

Taking Acai, our body is receiving large amounts of antioxidants, in addition to calcium, high biological value proteins, healthy fatty acids, and fiber, among others.


These nutritional properties make these dishes an excellent choice to start the day or as a snack. I propose acai Barcelona if you want to try one of these delicious preparations with fruit.